Measuring twitter activity of arxiv e-prints and published papers

In the fields of Physics, Mathematics and Computer science, depositing preprints or e-prints on arXiv is part of the publication cycle, as it provides access to papers, limits publication delays and establishes priority claims (Brooks, 2009). Between 1995 and 2011, about two-thirds of all arXiv e-prints could be matched to a journal article indexed in the Web of Science (Larivière et al., 2014). However, very little is known about the dissemination of these two versions across social media. The microblogging service Twitter has been identified as a tool used by academics and the general public to distribute, among other things, links to scholarly documents (Thelwall et al., 2013). Preliminary studies have demonstrated that the majority of tweets related to a scientific document appear shortly after its online availability, reaching a peak of activity much faster than citations and downloads (Eysenbach, 2011; Shuai, Pepe & Bollen, 2012). This suggests that an important share of tweets to papers in Physics, Computer science and Mathematics are likely to be made to the arXiv rather than the published version of the paper. This study investigates the challenges of measuring Twitter activity to the journal of record and arXiv versions of scientific documents.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 26 mars 2017 à 4 h 57 min.